
Blog Revival! YES!

I decided to write blogs again!!! Rejoice the whole two of you who used to read this blog (i.e. George and the dude that Googled Man Periods). Why am I doing this after all this time? Because apparently work has unblocked Blogger and Facebook and other social networking domains, and I am bored at work. Shhhhhhh.

It's great that work has unblocked Facebook. Because after all, we all have iPhones or equivalents with unlimited data plans and can access any site any time. Even the IT dudes are using it and clicking "Like" all over the place during work hours. On the other hand, people at the management levels are also on Facebook and adding lowly minions from the company to their friends list. I did not want to add them but apparently I was one of the few holding out and I still want my fat paychecks so I caved.

Then this happened:

Me on Facebook

"DIE YOU STUPID HQ FAT LARD STOP YOUR STUPID BIZ TRIP TO TW!! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!!" or something similar. Several of my colleagues clicked "Like" and we were all called to the meeting room the next day.

We weren't in trouble but our team manager just said to be more careful and asked me to delete the post from my wall.

Le Sigh... which is also why I came back to writing my blog. I WANT A PLACE TO BITCH, YO!

Anyhow, this will end my first comeback post. I don't know how frequent I am going to write new posts, but if needed I will just put up cute pictures of my dog, Sir Fobbington A.K.A Fobby the Fob Dog. He is my baby and he is awesome and stupid at the same time and I love him.

Yes I am one of *THOSE*

1 comment:

George said...

Woohoo~ I got mentioned!
Excited to read what crazy sh*t you are planning to write :P