
I Have Man-Periods

Every once in a while, my body goes in to a weird mode of operation. I have sores and aches, my arms and legs can fall asleep way faster than usual. Usually I get a day like this once a month, probably caused by a very poor night's sleep.

I call days like these, my man-period.

Worst part of my man-period, would be the headaches and migraines. They suck and they whoop my butt, especially the migraines. I have to take pain killers when I have man-period's slaughtering migraines. Don't get me started with the pain-killer-is-bad-for-you-so-you-shouldn't-even-take-half-of-a-pill-crap. I don't want to get into that right now cuz this is my blog, not my blog of my arguments with my mother, and I'm on my man-period.


The very worst part of the migraine is it hurts so freakin bad when my head is lower than my heart, also known as bending over.

I have to bend quite often because I drop stuff often. And today during my man-period I dropped my pencil holders with a dozen pen/pencils. I had to kneel on the floor picking the little fudgers up looking like an idiot. A colleague who's a mom, actually walked by and padded me on the head.

Also I realized, it's not fun making doodies. Once you are done, you have to bend over and clean yourself. And again it hurts like shit, after i'm done shitting. It's a really really really awful feeling.

Man-period is a crappy thing to have.

(oh my flight to my vacation is canceled due to typhoon. Not only that, typhoon is here on the weekend, not a workday. Whoever did that can suck it.)


Anonymous said...

I thought you have those self wash toilets at work?

randy said...

i use that when i feel adventurous